Crazynametown, U.S.A.
My wife and I enjoyed a honeymoon cruise to Jamaica and what turned out the be the most beautiful place I have ever seen, the Cayman Islands. On the island, we stopped in Hell, got a drink, and sent some cool post cards to our families. It was hot in Hell that day. Hell, Grand Cayman BWI made we wonder whether we had any towns or cities in the U.S. that are as interesting. We don't consider Smitty City to be one of these places, but here are a few that we dug up.
If you ever get a chance, make sure you stop by and say "hey" to the folks in:
If you ever get a chance, make sure you stop by and say "hey" to the folks in:
- Chicken, Deadhorse, Eek (ALASKA)
- Burnt Corn, Intercourse, Muck City, Rooster (ALABAMA)
- Bagdad, Boneyard, Floss, Goobertown, Nothing, Why (ARIZONA)
- Fannie, Greasy Corner, Grubbs, Hooker, Okay, Possum Grape, Smackover, Toad Suck, Turkey Scratch, Weiner, Yellville (ARKANSAS)
- Blunt, Bummerville, Frying Pan, Hell's Kitchen, Dead Junction, Last Chance, Needles, Mormon Bar, Rescue, Relief, Scareface, Squabbletown, Sucker Flat, Timbuctoo, Toad Town, Volcano, Weedpatch, Wimp, You Bet (CALIFORIA)
- Climax, Noname, Parachute, Purgatory (COLORADO)
- Giants Neck, Mianus, Moosup (CONNECTICUT)
- Howey-in-the-Hills, Kissimmee, Okahumpka, Sopchoppy, Two Egg, Yeehaw Junction (FLORIDA)
- Good Grief, Beer Bottle Crossing (IDAHO)
- Bald Knob, Devil's Backbone, Grand Detour, Kickapoo, Paw Paw, Roachtown (ILLINOIS)
- French Lick, Gnaw Bone, Loogootee, Naked City, Roachdale, Toad Hop (INDIANA)
- Diagonal, Gravity, What Cheer (IOWA)
- Perdition, Ransom (KANSAS)
- Beaver Lick, Bugtussle, Chicken Gizzard, Crummies, Do Stop, Monkey's Elbow, Mudlick, Oddville, Ogle, Spring Lick, Rabbit Hash, Typo (KENTUCKY)
- Belcher, Cut-Off, Fort Necessity, Grosse Tete, Mudville, Tickfaw, Waterfall (LOUISIANA)
- Bald Head, Dickey, Beans Corner Bingo (MAINE)
- Accident, Assawoman Bay, Boring, Crapo, Cockeysville (MARYLAND)
- Belchertown, Cow Yard, Mashpee, Sandwich, Swampscott (MASSACHUSETTS)
- Bad Axe, Climax, Hell, Jugville, Kalamazoo, Podunk, Slapneck (MICHIGAN)
- Climax, Embarass, Nimrod, Nowthen, Savage, Sleepy Eye (MINNESOTA)
- Bobo, Chuncky, Dragon, Possumneck, Sanatorium, Soso, Yazoo (MISSISSIPPI)
- Conception, Cooter, Enough, Frankenstein, Licking, Peculiar, Roach, Sleeper, Tightwad (MISSOURI)
- Bitter Root, Elmo, Hungry Horse, Rocky Boy, Square Butt, Two-Dot, Yaak (MONTANA)
- Colon, Fort Crook, Road, Wahoo, Weeping Water, Worms (NEBRASKA)
- Bunkerville, Incline Village, Lovelock, Owyhee, Pahrump, Searchlight, Verdi-Mogul, Weed Heights, Winnemucca (NEVADA)
- Bungy, Contoocook, Hell Hollow, Lost Nation, Sandwich Landing (NEW HAMPSHIRE)
- Bivalve, Brick, Ho-Ho Kus, Little Egg Harbor, Love Ladies, Succasuna (NEW JERSEY)
- Elephant Butte, Tingle, Truth or Consequences (NEW MEXICO)
- Cat Elbow Corner, Coxsackie, Hicksville, Horseheads, Peekskill, Neversink, Yaphank Yonkers (NEW YORK)
- Gum Neck, Horneytown, Lizard Lick, Meat Camp, Tick Bite, Toast, Whynot (NORTH CAROLINA)
- Concrete, Hoople, Voltaire, Zap (NORTH DAKOTA)
- Fly, Knockemstiff, Three Legs Town (OHIO)
- Bowlegs, Frogville, Hooker, Okay, Pumpkin Center, Slapout, Slaughterville (OKLAHOMA)
- Boring, Drain, Halfcom, Idiotville, Zig Zag (OREGON)
- Balltown, Bird-in-Hand, Drab, Experiment, Fear Not, Gobbler's Knob, Hempfield, Intercourse, Loyalsockville, Panic, Porkey, Scalp Level, Uno, Virginville (PENNSYLVANIA)
- Mooseup Valley, Quidnick, Quonochontaug, Woonsocket (RHODE ISLAND)
- Coward, Due West, Ninetimes (SOUTH CAROLINA)
- Bath, Igloo, Lemmon, Peever, Red Shirt (SOUTH DAKOTA)
- Bugscuffle, Bucksnort, Defeated, Difficult, Duck Town, Finger, Nameless, Only, Smartt, Sweet Lips, Static, Yum Yum (TENNESSEE)
- Cut-n-Shoot, Dime Box, Ding Dong, Frognot, Gun Barrel City, Hoop and Holler, Leaky, Loco, Looneyville, Muleshoe, Notrees, Pointblank, Possum Kingdom, Run and Shoot, Tarzan, Trophy Club, Turkey, Twitty, Uncertain (TEXAS)
- Bald Knob, Hurricane, Lovelock, Orderville (UTAH)
- Bread Loaf, Mosquitoville, Notown, Satans Kingdom (VERMONT)
- Croaker, Frogtown, Goochland, Goosepimple Junction, Mutt, Nuttsville, Ordinary (VIRGINA)
- Enumclaw, Humptulips, Klickitat, Kooskooskie, Tumtum, Tumwater (WASHINGTON)
- Big Ugly, Crum, HooHoo, Looneyville, Lost City, Nitro, Odd, Paw, Pinch, War (WEST VIRGINIA)
- Embarrass, Footville, Imalone, Spread Eagle, Ubet, Wanderoos (WISCONSIN)
- Bill, Camel Hump, Meeteetse, Muddy Gap (WYOMING)
Recently there was an article in the Spartanburg paper about the community of Sugar Tit, SC. Evidently there was a grocery store where all the farmers went to talk after a hard day of farming. The wives of the farmers referred to the grocery store (and surrounding community) as Sugar Tit because that's where the men went to get their talking needs met (like a baby has it's crying needs met by a sugar tit, a cloth folded over some sugar that was placed in babies mouths like a pacifier to make them happy).
Posted by
d blake |
12:50 PM
I had to edit the list a little because i didn't want to offend anybody...believe it or not...i remember taking out Sugar Tit, SC.
Posted by
1:07 PM
I've just returned from a trip home to England, and every time I am there I think I should start recording some of their town and village names. Unfortunately I never remember!!
Posted by
Warm n Wonderful |
1:46 PM
thanks for your comment, not neat
Posted by
2:06 PM
Personal favorites not on your list: Stinking Creek in TN, and Big Bone Lick (that's in KY, right?)
I think if it's written on a map, it shouldn't offend anybody. :-)
Posted by
JTapp |
8:51 PM
Surfed upon your blog. Found the strange town names interesting. I did notice, however, that Delaware is not on the list. Now, I know its a small state, but there's gotta be at least one strange-named town. How about Hockessian?? Also, what happened to Georgia & Hawaii??
-Random Person in Delaware
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:51 PM