Eat the fish - Spit out the bones.

Sunday, February 26, 2006 

Golden Ohno

Apollo Anton Ohno, one of my all-time favorite Olympic athletes, won gold in Torino last night in the speedskating 500m to go along with his bronze in the 1000m. It may have been his last Olympic race...if it was...what a way to go out. He had a brilliant start from the inside position and took the lead in the first corner... and never gave it up. It was a special thing to watch. The Olympics and it's athletes are so pure and undefiled. It is a treat to watch athletes from all countries compete for respect and hardware. I look forward to Beijing.

Saturday, February 25, 2006 

Autistic Senior Drops 20

Jason McElwain, an autistic team manager for his high school basketball team, unloaded 20 points in his team's last game of the season. Check out the story and video.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 

The Ranting of an Irishman

If you haven't ever met my friend, Travis "T-Boney Bone" O'Whalen from Cin so today. Check out his thought provoking, insanely accurate, incredibly informal rants:
The Sickness and We Suck.

Monday, February 20, 2006 

Ultimate Foreshadowing

While instucting Moses of what to tell Aaron and his sons regarding the issue of eating blood, my Lord reveals this subtle statement in Leviticus:

"Any Israelite or any alien living among them who eats any blood - I will set my face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from his people. For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life. Therefore I say to the Israelites, None of you may eat blood, nor may an alien living among you eat blood."

Did you catch it?

Thursday, February 16, 2006 

God's Glory: Fat's Pleasing Aroma

It's been a while since we visited an obscure manifestation of God's Glory in our world here at Smittycity. I believe you'll recall that our last encounter with God's Glory involved manure. Today we will learn of another neglected intracacy in God's Kingdom. Allow me to explain...

While reading two different books, for two different purposes, both within an hour, I made a starteling discovery that you might be interested in. Maybe not. I was reviewing the previously lectured chapter for my nutrition class. The subject was Lipids (fat). I read this: "...fat carries with it may dissolved compounds that give foods enticing aromas and flavors, such as the aroma of frying bacon or french fries. In fact, when an ill person refuses to eat, dietitons offer foods flavored with some fat to tempt that person to eat again..." So, God made fat smell good.

No more than an hour later, I read this in Leviticus (don't ask me why I was reading in Leviticus): "...the priest is to sprinkle the blood against the altar of the Lord at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting and burn the fat as an aroma pleasing to the Lord." (Lev 17.6)

Very cool.

Appreciate the small things.


Don't Waste Your Cancer

Piper's cancer surgery on Tuesday was flawless. It would be worth your time to read his 10 Ways to Waste Your Cancer...very compelling. Statistics say that 1 in 3 will aquire cancer. If I'm of that 33%, I hope that I can view my disease in this manner.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 

For Mathematicians on V-Day

This equation does not apply to these three women: Melanie, Pamela, & Kathryn Smith.


Valentine's Day Simplicity

Thursday, February 09, 2006 

A Lesson in Chili Preference

I was rummaging through my parents fridge the other day with my little brother, Solomon. He was enthusiastically chattering like all 2 year olds do. We found a little of mom's white chili left in a bowl. Dibs. As I threw it into the microwave, I told my brother that white chili is the best chili in the world, and that it was better than all the rest. A beautiful assortment of white beans, chicken, herbs, and spices, white chili kicks the crap out of dark chili. It then dawned on me what I had just said to my brother. So, I quickly changed my tune. "You know, buddy, all chilis are equal in taste and experience. White chili is not better than dark chili...I like them the same." Upon further thought, I saw an opportunity to build the young man's confidence. "Come to think of it, Solomon, I think chili is ten times better when you mix white and dark chili together. It is much more exciting when you mix the two." What a teachable moment. The boy responded to my lesson with a hearty, "yaaa" (he tends to pronounce his "yes" like he's swedish). Who would have thought that I could teach my biracial brother a lesson in diversity with a simple bowl of chili?

post scrip: He understood nothing I said...and I am ridiculous.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006 

a related quote

In reference to the discussion at Marvelous Light, I dug up this quote that can significantly relate. It is from former theologian/philospher O.S. Jenkins...

"Sorrow engulfs my spirit to see and encounter characteristics of the biblical pharisee evident in this era. Like their ancestors, they have veiled their haughty, Godless attempt at piety with theological pursuits and "right thinking." We must realize, beloved, that God rejects our knowledge whether of His essence or otherwise, because true knowledge comes from His mouth, not His creation's. He longs to lift up the humble creature who seeks eternal wisdom instead of finite knowledge, for it is this man who impresses our Father. Yes, it puffs - and is considered rubbish in the eyes of Holy God."

Sunday, February 05, 2006 

The Shaft for Seattle and other notes

  • After much deliberation, I chose to pull for Pittsburg. Let me rephrase...I chose to pull for Jerome. I made this decision by deciding who I would hurt more for after their loss, Shawn or Jerome. Shawn is still young.
  • It is the 14th straight year that a Tennessee alumni has represented a Super Bowl team.
  • The pregame show was fantastic thanks to Stevie Wonder. We also saw every Super Bowl MVP walk on the field...even Super Bowl I & II's Bart Starr. Very special.
  • Darryl Jackson did not push off enough for a pass interference call in the end zone during the first quarter. (Seatle shafted #1)
  • Although Bettis had a marvelous block on the goal line, Big Ben did not make it in. Don't argue. He didn't make it. (Seatle shafted #2)
  • The Stones were pathetic at halftime. Three halftime flops in a row.
  • Can you say: fast, Fast, FAST Willie Parker.
  • Bad call on Hasselbeck's tackle after the interception. (Seatle shafted #3)
  • A bad holding call on Seattle that resulted in a 14 point swing. (Seatle shafted #4)
  • Randle El could not have thrown a better pass to Hines Ward. Nope. It was perfect. It was beautiful.
  • Palamaulu and Porter were surprisingly quiet.
  • I hate to see anyone loose the Super Bowl...especially Shawn Alexander.
  • The most terribly officiated Championship game I have ever witnessed.
  • Hasselbeck outplayed Big Ben.
  • Best commerical: Budweiser's "Streaker"
  • Overall, a great story for Super Bowl history. BETTIS WINS SUPER BOWL XL AT HOME FACING RETIREMENT. Yeah, good story.
Another year in the books.
I can't wait until September.
(Maybe I'll write a song called, I'll Be Gone Till September)

Saturday, February 04, 2006 

The Irishman, quarterback, and me

Please, please, please take time to read The Sickness ...a post by a extremely close friend. His name is Travis Whalen and he doesn't sleep much. Friday night, we sat up with our friend Nate the quarterback until 3 am talking about this very sickness. I came to O'Whalen that night desperately sick from the sickness...I didn't know that he had been suffering from it as well. Actually, the quarterback was ill too. The Irishman had written this brilliant post the day before, but God brought us together the night after with the same thing on our sick hearts. It was good...refreshing...sickening. Maybe you'll understand. Probably not.

Thursday, February 02, 2006 

A Double Standard?

In the light of resent comments made by Dr. Al Mohler regarding the responsibilities of married couples (saying it is "an absolute revolt against God's design" if husbands and wives purposely avoid bearing children), I would like to present an interesting issue to the blognation for debate. Before doing so, I would like to officially support the stance that Al has made regarding this sensitive sociological (and highly biblical) assertion. I do strongly believe that if married, we are called to reproduce. Paul makes it clear in Corinthians that one is not in the wrong if he chooses not to marry (in fact, he makes an argument that you might be better off), however, if you do, I believe that God is clear in that we are to multiply. Females were given ovaries, breasts, and a variety of other child bearing organs that were exclusively created and bestowed for giving birth and rearing children. Simply put: It is a women's call. In fact, her highest call. A married woman (and man) choosing not to reproduce is like a person with feet, deciding never to walk.

But as usual, I digress.

I was reading a secular response to Al Mohler's comments in the Kentucky Kernal (U.K.'s campus newspaper) by a woman who was utterly disturbed by what this ultra-conservative Baptist had claimed. After wading through her liberal babble, she did reveal an issue that caught my attention. She claimed that Mohler was contradicting himself by saying that married women should bear children, yet also believing that the use of birth control is an accepted practice. To be honest, I have never given this topic the time of day...until now. She may have a point. Even though it didn't work like we had planned, Melanie and I have knowingly attempted to prohibit what God designed to happen by using contraceptives. So ultimately, we desired to partake in the God-given benefits of marriage while disallowing the God-given responsibility that is associated. God took Onan's life for something very similar (see Gen. 38). Honestly, I haven't established my stance on this issue, and I'm certainly not ready to condemn the use of contraceptives... but it is thought provoking. Maybe some of you can help shed light on this issue.

Post Script...To the unmarried: Please respond with a thoughful conviction. To the married: Try to look beyond your current desicions. We shouldn't automatically defend our personal practice without giving objective thought to the issue (even though you might be right on).

Wednesday, February 01, 2006 

Super Bowl Humor

A man had 50 yard line tickets for the Super Bowl. As he sits down, a man comes down and asks if anyone is sitting in the seat next to him. "No," he says, "The seat is empty." "This is incredible," said the man. "Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the Super Bowl, the biggest sporting event in the world, and not use it?" He says, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. I was supposed to come with my wife, but she passed away. This is the first
Super Bowl we haven't been to together since we got married in 1987." "Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. That's terrible. But couldn't you find someone else, a friend or relative, or even a neighbor to take the seat?". The man shakes his head. "No they're all at the funeral."

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