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Friday, April 21, 2006 

Becoming Visible

Go to and read all that you can.
Do whatever it takes to find and watch the documentary.
I have a copy that I would be glad to send around.
This is ministry.

Although originated by three young believers from San Diego, this is not a christian organization.

The gospel of Jesus Christ deperately needs to accompany this incredible work.

I would bet that it already does. There are thousands who have taken part by donating money that never would have if it was labeled a christian ministry. If this is the case...I don't know how I feel about it. All I know is that many many children are becoming visible by this project. Jesus called us to care for them.

Erin Thomas and I talked about this in Peru. It is sad. MY heart though is still broken for the Sudan.

Sudan and Uganda are on my heart as well.

Are you going to the GNC in Lexington this Saturday? If so, hit up my cell and we can meet up...I'll be there.

where is it gonna be?

never mind...I got it. And i'll be there. TD, where are you going to walk from?

I'm hitching a ride with my mom - so I'll be walking over from a parking structure at UK hospital. I'll probably be in Lexington around 5:30-6. I've still got your number so I'll call when I'm in town.

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